Creepy Google Glass pics without anyone knowing? Yes, you can.
I feel like, every time I read about Google Glass, I'm reading an article that highlights the privacy issues that come with the technology.
One of the primary privacy concerns associated with Google Glass is the ability to take pictures of people without them realizing it. Apparently, if you see someone wearing Google Glass, you can tell if the Glass is "on" because of a light on the side of the product. If the light is on, the Glass is on. This is all well and good, but if someone wants to take creepy pictures or videos, they're going to find a way to cover up that light. I'm still pretty uncomfortable with the product, but whatever.
Now, however, another concern is coming up. Google Glass Sunshade is a product that makes it easier to see the Google Glass graphics when wearing the technology in sunlight. Sure, it makes the graphics easier to see for the user, but the Sunshade also apparently blocks the little indicator light that tells you when the Glass is in use.
Again, if people want to find a way to take pictures or videos without people knowing, they will.
The inventor of Google Glass Sunshade, Chris Barrett, mentioned in the article linked above that he "did not create the Sunshade to be sneaky. The 3D printed Sunshade does make Glass less noticeable. Less people ask me what I'm wearing when they can't see the prism light up."
Um. So less people know that you're wearing them? And that's not sneaky?
I don't know, I just don't really feel comfortable with the Google Glass technology; and I feel less comfortable with this Sunshade thing. If I were to ever use the technology, I'd make it a point to let people know that I'm using it. I wouldn't want to hide the indicator light. Maybe that's just me, but I'm thinking this Google Glass Sunshade will need to undergo some modifications before it meets privacy laws.
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