Friday, November 8, 2013

3D Printed Gun Actually Works

Uh-oh, this 3D-printed metal handgun actually works

3D printing is an incredible technology. While I've only so far seen it used to print parts for model airplanes, the capabilities of a 3D printer are actually incredible.

But there's something that's leaving me a bit uneasy: these 3D printers can print guns. And apparently, according to the C-Net article above, these guns can fire rounds. The first gun printed was made of plastic and did not work as well as anticipated. But the gun featured in the article above is metal. And it works.

When 3D guns were first being printed, most metal detectors did not pick them up because they were made of plastic. This new working 3D printed gun is metal, which makes it a bit easier to detect, but still problematic. Luckily, the technology is not currently widely available thanks to it's high price tag, but as 3D printing becomes more accessible, more problems will likely arise. The article also explains that these guns can be printed fairly anonymously.  Does anyone else see the issue?

The main focus here is supposed to be to show that 3D printers can print metal products, not just plastic. The technology is really cool, I'll admit. I'm just nervous about its implications for the future. Especially since most of what's being reported about the technology is that guns are being printed. I'm interested in where 3D printing technology will go in the future; what other amazing things will we be able to print? Right now the technology is still fairly new, so we have a lot to learn about its capabilities. But I'm hoping that, as the technology becomes more widely available, it will be used for more good than bad.

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