Sunday, December 8, 2013

Email domains working to fight spam emails

Internet-wide efforts to fight email spam are working

According to Google's security blog, email authentication standards have been in development for quite some time, and are finally becoming widespread as an attempt to stop phishing and email impersonations.

Email domains are starting to accept these "email authentication standards" in order to keep spam and phishing emails, which seemingly come from legitimate sources, from reaching users' inboxes. It's not just the big domains, either; Gmail is encouraging private domains to adopt these standards as well in order to keep users' inboxes safe from spam and phishing.

Gmail users are probably well aware of how well spam filters work within their inboxes; I personally have very rarely, if at all, received spam emails in my inbox; emails are filtered to my junk mail very well. Now that other  domains are working to stop these emails, as well, inboxes will be staying much more clean.

Spammers are going to have to work a lot harder to get to email inboxes, now...